Tuesday, September 06, 2005

You Want Freedom or Results?-Updated

Today's era of instant information is now demanding instant results. . After FEMA and Homeland Security was too slow to respond, the Army and National Guard arrived to save the day, and few could argue with the outcome. Instant wars, instant disaster relief, there will be a price to pay , says the Washington Times:

The argument for the federal government in the future to fully take the lead is seductive after recent events have revealed legal arguments between federal, state and local officials causing delay confusion and, we dont doubt, avoidable deaths and misery. But with such advantages comes the obvious and traditional counter-arguments. If the federal government is to be in charge, then it would have to have authority to order evacuations before the fact, take control of state and local assets to affect such effort, such as roads, police, fire and infrastructure. (For example, Louisiana got its fair share of post-September 11 first-responder federal money. Under current law, how effectively they spent it was up too them, not the federal government.) In short, an efficient federal lead would require converting our sovereign states into administrative subdivisions of the national government.

Update-I agree with this!: Only one government bureaucracy functioned well under the stress of the Katrina crisis, (Rush)Limbaugh said: the U.S. military.