Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bush's War?

Its a common theme among liberals and the MSM that President Bush led the country to war in Iraq on false information. In other words "he lied" they submit. The so called "Leakgate" involving the White House vs Judith Miller and the New York Times is revealing some interesting facts about how we really went to war. Believe it or not, Robert Kagan at the Washington Post is pointing the finger back at the media:

It is that the Times, along with The Post and other news organizations, ran many alarming stories about Iraq's weapons programs before the election of George W. Bush. A quick search through the Times archives before 2001 produces such headlines as

"Iraq Has Network of Outside Help on Arms, Experts Say"(November 1998),

"U.S. Says Iraq Aided Production of Chemical Weapons in Sudan"(August 1998),

"Iraq Suspected of Secret Germ War Effort" (February 2000),

"Signs of Iraqi Arms Buildup Bedevil U.S. Administration" (February 2000),

"Flight Tests Show Iraq Has Resumed a Missile Program" (July 2000). (A somewhat shorter list can be compiled from The Post's archives, including a September 1998 headline: "Iraqi Work Toward A-Bomb Reported.")

I remember all the info on Saddam's WDM threat coming from the press in the 1990's. Can we along with the left forget the ongoing struggle between Iraq and Clinton throughout his term, and from the beginning? I think the media hopes we have.