Saturday, October 29, 2005

Iraqi Army Leads the Way

From CentCom on the recent Constitutional Referendum in Iraq:

As nearly 10 million Iraqi citizens went to the polls to vote on the Constitutional Referendum Oct. 15, the day also marked a milestone in the Iraqi Army’s growing responsibility for the nation’s security.
Coalition Forces remained on call to support the Iraqi Army if needed during the Referendum.
“Every time we go out, we try to stay prepared,” said Sgt. Justin Kerns, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division. “We don’t know if things are going to happen, but if they do, we are ready for them.”

...The Iraqi Army did their job at the polling sites while the Coalition Forces patrolled outer perimeters, and the day passed mostly without incident.
“The Iraqi Army really performed well, manning their positions and providing security,” said Spc. Brandon Castleberry, 1/11th ACR. “They did a good job of keeping the elections safe from incident.”
Soldiers said Oct. 15 was one more step forward in providing a free and democratic Iraq for the people.