Monday, October 24, 2005

New Dawn in Iraq

An editorial from the Toronto Sun says:

Never before -- anywhere in the Arab world -- has a population participated freely and willingly in the shaping of its government as Iraqis are doing -- despite the tremendous violence directed against them by bloody-minded insurgents. Never, in the 1,400 years of Islam, has an Arab-Muslim despot been brought into a court of justice to answer for crimes of rape, torture and murder of people under him.
This is a uniquely riveting moment in Arab-Muslim history, and everyone in the region is mesmerized by the events occurring in Iraq.

Amen, but there are pundits:

then there is the Paris-Berlin axis, whose politicians and opinion-makers remain alert to denigrate the sacrifices of others in expanding liberty's frontiers...
There is also the mainstream lib-left media in North America whose instincts are to bury or tear down anyone or anything that has a whiff of nobility or goodness in it.
Moreover, in the realm of blinkered thinking and political fiction inhabited by the likes of Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore and their supporters, America has never done any good, and any faults of the likes of Saddam, Fidel Castro or Robert Mugabe can readily be attributed to some "root causes" originating in the perfidy of Anglo-American imperialism.

Too bad. Let them whine. Life is good.