Pace Publishes Priorities
The new Chairman of the JCS, Marine General Peter Pace recently defined his priorities for the War on Terror:
At the top is winning the war on terror.
"Our enemies are violent extremists who would deny us, and all mankind, the freedom to choose our own destiny," Pace wrote in the guidance. "Finding this distributed, loosely networked enemy is the greatest challenge we face."
The U.S. will meet and beat the enemy on the battlefield, but that is not enough, he said. Building better economies, encouraging good government and assisting governments as they live by the rule of law will help the world shape "an environment that precludes the flourishing of terrorism, much as a healthy body rejects the onslaught of disease."
- His second priority is to speed up transformation processes within the military.
- His third priority is to strengthen joint-warfighting capability.
- His final priority is to improve the quality of life for servicemembers and their families.