Monday, October 24, 2005

View From the Other Side

We're always trying to educate the muslims on democracy. Maybe we can learn a few things from them. NewsBusters has this article from someone named "Alex":

His observations come from a childhood raised in Islam, carefully studying us from a distant vantage point and applying a genius-level IQ to define what he sees;

AMERICA’S BORDERS: America is being diluted by people who are lazy and dumbing her down. They aren’t coming to you with anything to add, only everything to take. You have absolutely no control over who enters and who doesn’t, so you can’t tell if someone will be an asset or a liability to you...

YOUR MEDIA: I don’t understand this area of America at all. They seem intent on anything and everything that belittles and destroys the foundations of your country. They never support your wars or your soldiers—at least not since Vietnam—and deliberately only cover stories that will turn the world against you and get your men killed...

EDUCATION: Go to any major university and look at their roster of professors and graduate students in any of the science or math fields. You won’t find an American name in any of them, or at least very very few...

ISLAM, COMMUNISM, AND OTHER ENEMIES OF AMERICA: I know you’re all about freedom, but how could you allow Iraq to even consider a constitution that makes Islam the law of the land? We are starting to think you are insane!

Read the whole thing. We might learn something.