Friday, December 02, 2005

Bush is Winning

I sincerely believe this, mainly because God is on our side. This article from NewsMax gives other reasons, including why you should ignore the "gloom and doom" from the Old Media:

History continues to prove contemporary journalism always wrong. It rated Harry S. Truman as a boorish Missourian living in the shadow of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who won World War II. Truman, hopelessly unpopular when he left office, has since been re-evaluated by history into the upper tier of presidents, having stopped the communists in Korea, and created NATO and the Marshall Plan that saved Europe.
Ronald Reagan was another whipping boy of the press, caricatured as an actor of no substance who slept at Cabinet meetings. He even left office under the cloud of Iran-Contra.
The historical reality? Reagan spread the word of democratic capitalism and the free market, today the golden standard for nation behavior, throughout the globe. And, of course, he won the Cold War, actually Word War III.

They go on to list the top reasons. Remember mine?

1) Since September 11, 2001, there has not been a single case of terrorism in the United States.
(2) Mr. Bush's conquest of the Taliban fascists was applauded universally, and Afghanistan has the beginnings of a Muslim democracy, something no one has been able to accomplish in history.


(8) Muslim terrorism in Muslim nations, from Algeria to Saudi Arabia, is shifting public opinion in favor of America. Still another Bush victory.