Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hanoi Jane's "Killing Machines"

Neo-neocon has the truth on Jane Fonda's assertion that the government has turned American boys into killing machines:

Because, strange as it may seem, Fonda is actually correct--at least, about part of what she's claiming. But a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially in the hands of Jane Fonda, and she draws the entirely wrong conclusions from that element of truth in her remarks.

...It's certainly true that the phrase "killing machines" is a chilling one. But training members of the military to be more efficient and automatic at what they do is actually designed to make them more effective in a combat situation, to reduce psychological stress, and therefore to make atrocities less frequent, rather than more.

Please read the whole thing. Looking at all the mindless violence in video games, movies, and popular music like rap, it seems to me the entertainment industry is more at fault in corrupting our youth. At least the military gives a positive outlet to violence, such as bringing freedom to 25 million Iraqi's. And they say war doesn't solve anything!