Friday, December 30, 2005

Iraq Not Vietnam-Updated

No link here, just an observation. Liberals like to compare any war America gets into with Vietnam, because this fits into their anti-war, "America is always wrong" agenda. Its really sad that an educated and supposedly compassionate group should dwell on hate and bias against the country which most consider the "land of the free and home of the brave". How did we lose them?

Iraq is no way like Vietnam, since during that war in the 60's our country was never directly attacked by the communist North. Plus, when we withdrew from that terrible war, no one seriously considered that Vietnam might directly attack America. This is however, a real possibility if we withdraw prematurely from Iraq. We could expect the terrorists there to become so emboldened as to launch repeats of 9/11, which most likely be far worse than we could imagine, involving weapons of mass destruction.

The stakes to our country is too great to allow a disgruntled and disillusioned minority party to hijack our government, despite how loudly they bellow and accuse the President of wrongdoing.

Update: OK here's a link. From Powerline:

Liberals look at Iraq, "torture," and now domestic spying, and can taste full public vindication. And therein lies their problem. If Iraq is Vietnam, it will soon enough confer great political advantage on the Democrats. But the Democrats (Hillary Clinton aside) are psychologically incapable, after so long in the wildnerness, of "letting the game come to them." Or perhaps they understand that Iraq is not Vietnam. Thus, they overreach -- being too quick to compare Iraq to Vietnam, to eager to insist that we are failing there, and too quick to cry foul over domestic spying that targets mass murderers, not Larry O'Brien and Daniel Ellsberg. And the public recoils.