Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Old Media versus History

This is from RealClearPolitics via Austin Bay:

The media seem to have come up with a formula that would make any war in history unwinnable and unbearable: They simply emphasize the enemy's victories and our losses.
Losses suffered by the enemy are not news, no matter how large, how persistent, or how clearly they indicate the enemy's declining strength.

...the American deaths in Iraqi are a fraction of what they have been in other wars in our history. The media have made a big production about the cumulative fatalities in Iraq, hyping the thousandth death with multiple full-page features in the New York Times and comparable coverage on TV.

With comparisons from other wars:

The Marines lost more than 5,000 men taking one island in the Pacific during a three-month period in World War II. In the Civil War, the Confederates lost 5,000 men in one battle in one day.
Yet there was Jim Lehrer on the "News Hour" last week earnestly asking Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about the ten Americans killed that day.

The ignorance of the Left is astounding. What's to become of us in this new age of violence, if we can't defend ouselves and our culture?

Also on this subject read:

Here's my apology on the 'disaster' of the Iraq war.
At war: government and the media