Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Blogger Bites Back

Bill Roggio responds in National Review Online to the slanted Washington Post article on milbloggers:

It's bad enough that the facts of the story are mangled and misrepresented, but Finer and Struck go even further to slight my character. The title and subheading of the article, "Bloggers, Money Now Weapons in Information War — U.S. Recruits Advocates to the Front, Pays Iraqi TV Stations for Coverage" clearly implies I am a tool of the military. And sandwiched between the mention of my embed and coverage from Iraq is a completely unrelated story on military-information operations, the Lincoln Group's activities in paying for positive articles to be published in Iraqi publications, and the military funding Iraqi radio stations.

And the big finish:

Consider this one more reason to read alternatives to the Washington Post, where we report about the misleading little details, and let you decide.

I agree whole-heartedly. Its obvious the Old Media prefers scandal to winning the war, protecting Americans, and bringing freedom to the world's long-suffering masses. May the ghosts of 9/11 haunt them forever!