Tuesday, January 31, 2006

One Man's Tet

Is another's Battle of the Bulge. So says Murdoc in this older article, comparing the Tet Offensive with the Ardennes Counter-Offensive and molding it all with Iraq:

Every Tet Offensive so far in Iraq has ended in US victory, though some more storied than others. Why aren't these spates of enemy activity called Ardennes Offensives?
Because it's in the eye of the beholder.
No. Not you. You're simply a viewer of a finished product.
The beholders whose eyes count are those that interpret events and pass them on to you for digestion. Dan Rather, CNN, and Murdoc Online are all beholders.
A few rebels among you insist on thinking for yourselves. Some of you agree with some of the beholders. Some of you don't.
So when you hear about the next Tet Offensive, remember the previous Tet Offensives. The original wasn't a loss because we were defeated on the field of battle. It was a loss because we were told by the beholders that we had been defeated. And we believed them.

But never again, God willing!