Post Bemoans Army "Propaganda"
Still shilling for the minority anti-war crowd, the Washington Post again takes aim at milbloggers:
Word comes from RL that the Army has hired PR firm Hass MS&L of Detroit to offer "exclusive editorial content" to blogs willing to run government propaganda...
"To that end, the Army plans to offer you and selected bloggers exclusive editorial content on a few issues you’re likely to be interested in," Kondek says. The Email has been mentioned in Black Five, One Hand Clapping and Fuzzilicious Thinking...
So, our tax dollars are going to get used so the Army can just add to its propaganda machine, shoveling "content" to like-minded bloggers?
It all smacks of just another losing PR effort by a desperate team who seems to think that the only way it is going to get good press is to buy it or plant it. Hass MS&L's claim to fame in the blogging world as far as I can tell is that they maintain the General Motors' corporate blog. Did the Army have to hire the PR firm for a dying corporation as its new agent?
It seem to me the Left is losing the PR war with continued failed attempts at discrediting Bush, the troops, Republicans, and anyone who supports the War on Terror. Need I mention the Bush National Guard scandal, the WMD scandal, and now wire-tapping which most Americans support?