Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Rebuilding Canada's Military

Wow. One scandal and Liberals are out of power in Canada. If this happened in America we'd be changing governments every week. Austin Bay says this is an opportunity to restore a once great military and ally:

I have yet to meet or serve with a Canadian soldier who failed to impress me with his professionalism and discipline. In my experience -- in terms of individual, quality personnel -- only Australian troops match Canadians on a one-for-one basis.
Two years ago I had the privilege of serving with Australian troops in Iraq. The Aussies are crack. In the mid-1970s I had the privilege of working with the 4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group in then-West Germany.
I saw 4th CMBG in three different major exercises, including REFORGER 76. In my opinion, the Canadian brigade was the best brigade in NATO, which probably meant at that moment in time it was the best brigade man for man in the world...

However, as the Canadian military declined, the Canadian "We Aren't America" game -- particularly under Paul Martin's Liberals -- degenerated into rank, adolescent anti-Americanism. Is there a connection between increasingly strident, appeasement-laden rhetoric and the loss of military capability? I think the answer is yes.
Canada's Conservatives have managed a narrow victory and now confront the challenges of a coalition government. Let's hope the first consensus Canadians reach is to restore and revive the Canadian military.

Interesting that the enemies of the Iraq War are slowly being voted out of office. All thats's left is Chirac the Dinosaur and Putin the Dictator.