Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Worse Than Slavery

Looking back at the excuses of those who supported slavery in the 19th Century, how shallow and irrational it all seems. Many deluded themselves that blacks actually enjoyed being enslaved, and would be helpless without the guidance of the “master”. Some even found legitimacy in the Bible, as if God himself condoned the corrupt institution.

The excuses for slavery are pointless today, since they are long discredited. Equally fuzzy has been the rationale for the systematic slaughter of an entire generation through abortion. The typical reason is for a woman’s “right to choose” and to control her own body. It fails to answer the question of the rights of children, born or yet to be born. If we are put on this earth for a higher purpose it is to protect the weak, and lay the foundations for a new generation. Instead, through abortion, the future comes in doubt.

It was said that because of the massacre of its young men in the trenches of World War One, Britain and France lost an enter generation of officers, which may have accounted for its near defeat in the next war. With millions of potential new minds lost through the willing murder of the unborn, it is no wonder the state of our own nation with corrupt politicians, businesses failing, and crime out of control. This dearth in leadership may never have happened save for the loss of so many potential teachers, pastors, soldiers, and politicians through our callous pursuit of our own selfish desires, with no thought for the future.