Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Left's Lynch Mob

Thomas Sowell presents his thought's on the Duke lacrosse team's rape allegation:

When a prosecutor acts like he has made up his mind and doesn't want to be confused by the facts, that is when the spirit of the lynch mob has entered the legal system. When this happens on the eve of an election for the prosecutor, it looks even uglier.
If the young men accused of rape are in fact guilty, they need to be proved guilty because they are guilty, not because an election is coming up or there is racial hype in the media or a legally stacked deck. More important, we need to know that the rule of law is there for all of us, regardless of who we are or who our accuser might be.

It does seem like the left increasingly believes that whites are guilty until proven guilty. Didn't racists do this to minority's in bygone days?