Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Precision Revolution

The US Air Force wants to get into the new insurgency warfare with "focused-lethality munitions":

The story of this unusual bomb is just one example of how the Iraq war is triggering changes throughout a U.S. military coming to grips with the shadowy 21st century wars against terrorists and guerrillas. The Army and Marine Corps are rewriting the doctrine that guides the way they fight such wars, emphasizing restraint instead of overwhelming firepower. The Navy is pouring $200 million into developing a force that can police rivers -- its first since Vietnam. Billions are being spent Pentagon-wide to spot and destroy low-tech killers like remote-detonated roadside bombs.
For the Air Force, the new bomb is part of an effort to carve out a role for itself in today's messy, low-tech wars, which are being fought largely on the ground. The development of the focused-lethality munition is also an example of how the massive Pentagon bureaucracy often isn't as nimble as the enemy it is fighting.

Everyone wants to get into the act! Good, it will take teamwork to defeat this new bloody foe.