Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm Scared!

The Washington Post is FOR Mike Hayden as new CIA Director: Including left-wing moonbat William M. Arkin, who once claimed that a new submarine on trials in South American waters was "spying" on land-locked countries. Here's what he said about Hayden:

He is an intelligence professional, a manager, an egghead and a general. Though he wears a uniform, suggesting subservience to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, he is independent minded and has shown himself throughout his career to have great integrity.

Another Post journalist, Robert Gates calls the nomination An Intelligent CIA Pick :

I do not share the concern about a military officer serving from time to time as director of the CIA. One of the lessons from the Persian Gulf War was that CIA support for military operations needed significant improvement. As director of central intelligence, I worked with Colin Powell, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to appoint a senior military officer as the third-ranking officer in the CIA's clandestine service, and my successors appointed military officers to even more-senior positions. Several members of the military served well as deputy directors of central intelligence.

Gates is no moonbat, but 2 Washington Post thumbs up in a row? Why am I thinking conspiracy theories here? I was all for Hayden, but now I'm not so sure.
On the bright side though, could even liberals be sick of all the leaks coming from our spy agencies?