Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Army Mulls Cutting a Division

Or maybe the Future Combat System. This is from Military.com:

As the Army crafts its spending plan for the next six years, budget pressures are forcing senior leaders to consider everything from cutting the size of the Army by up to a division or terminating its largest acquisition program -- the Future Combat System, service officials said last week...Since early 2006, Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker has said repeatedly that he will cut the size of the force rather than operate with an under-equipped Army.
"Whatever the government gives us to do it will be the size of the Army," Schoomaker told reporters at an April 26 Defense Writers Group breakfast. "If we get cut, we're going to cut the size of the Army. . . . Or they'll get somebody with a different idea".

The military invariably chooses new weapons over personnel, but I think the $140 billion FCS should go. It would probably take decades to enter service anyway, as most high tech platforms do. Meanwhile, warfare would have moved on. Replace it with off the shelf vehicles like the Stryker which can get to the troops in years, not generations.