Thursday, June 15, 2006

It's Bush's Fault

Time to put the blame where it lies. The reason freedom is spreading in the world today is due to the bold vision of our great President, says Slater Bakhtavar:

A resilient, yet experimental venture by the Bush Administration into uncharted waters has proven largely beneficial, as democracy sweeps several countries once held captive by tyrants. The winds of change are blowing across the world as jubilant demonstrators take back their God-given right to freedom, once denied by fascist dictators. An unshakeable vision of international democracy in coordination with the deep desire of people around the world to be free has led to elections throughout the Middle East
and the former Soviet Union...

Several countries are free and democratic with many more to come, but let us not forget - it is Bush’s fault.

Amen! But I have a feeling the MSM will forget, just like the think Gorbachev brought down communist Russia all by his self.