Friday, June 02, 2006

Murtha's Show Trial

The communists did it all the time, says John Burtis!

When I listen to Mr. Murtha, his tarring of his "beloved" Marines for war crimes for which no one has been yet charged, I am struck by the similarities with Mr. Josef Stalin and his great show trials of the 1930s...

The key elements of a well run show trial were these--the determination of the guilty verdicts long before the trials began, the selection of the methods of execution far in advance of the proceedings, the packing of the court with shills, who would shout demands for the maximum penalties for the accused throughout the procedures, propagandistic press accounts about the sheer genius of the prosecutors and the judge, and a fawning boot licking party of approval spurring the whole shabby affair along.

And brother, Judge Murtha, his court jesters and coat holders sure fit the show trial bill.

Personally, I say its a media war against the Marines. They'll get Bush no matter who they have to hurt. But they support the troops.

Meanwhile Mona Charen describes Haditha as The war crime they've been waiting for.

Also Michael Yon has more.