Rejecting Appeasement
Frank Gaffney offers an alternative to appeasement in dealing with Iran:
The alternative to appeasement of Iran should utilize the sorts of techniques Ronald Reagan employed to counter the last horrific totalitarian ideology that threatened our destruction, the Soviet Union. These include using every available means to de-legitimate the regime. It also means helping those oppressed by our enemies, in order to assist them in undermining and, if possible, in bringing down their government -- a popular aspiration lately confirmed anew by a spate of tumultuous demonstrations across Iran.
President Reagan placed special emphasis on one other initiative: drying up the funding streams that enabled the USSR to build up its military threat and to pay for anti-Western revolutions all over the globe. The same must be done to Iran.
Another Reagan alternative would be the Libyan solution. By using the US Fleet aggressively off the Iranian coasts, perhaps even conducting a full-fledged naval blockade, the mullahs would get the message.