Friday, July 07, 2006

Joltin' Joe Biden

John Burtis hits back at likely Presidential contender Joe Biden's naive take on the North Korean missile threat:

Senator Biden, the reigning Democratic foreign affairs expert, where he easily eclipses the wide by shallow expertise of Mr. John Kerry in this occult art, put the whole missile thing in proper perspective Wednesday, on CBS's relatively highly acclaimed and pretty widely watched The Early Show.
Joe proffered his take on the unsettling affair by expostulating, "I would rather have seen it do exactly what it did, demonstrate to the whole world that it is in fact a paper tiger."
Drawing on his almost limitless knowledge of atomic weapons, delivery systems, throw weights and effective ranges, Mr. Biden stridently asserted that North Korea, "…does not have the capacity to do any short term damage to the United States of America or Japan."
And, setting the stage for an easing of tensions and opening the way for talks with Kim Jong Il, Mr. Biden described his plans for rapprochement, "I think ultimately (we're) going to have to sit down with these guys, they are so immature, they are so ham handed, it is frighteningly naïve the way they act."

Joe's attitude sounds like that of another famous personage who once said: "What, me worry?"