Tuesday, July 11, 2006

People Matter

Thomas Sowell explains why we shouldn't stop trying to change the government, or at least get their attention:

"I am just one person," some said. "What difference do my views make?"
What difference? Public outrage made the Senate and the President of the United States back down from their amnesty bill.
That's the bottom line that counts -- not whether you get a personal reply to your letter to a member of Congress or whether your letter to your local newspaper gets printed.
Never think that you don't count. You are what count most of all. Politicians understand votes if they don't understand anything else. They are virtually obsessed with public opinion polls.
Democracy means that each individual voter cannot expect to prevail on every issue because there are other voters with other views. But that does not mean that the public is powerless when a clear majority knows what it wants and doesn't want.
The media, the politicians, and the intelligentsia may all be overwhelmingly on the opposite side but the people will prevail. That is how bilingual education was defeated at the polls in California and why the amnesty bill is now dead in the United States Senate.

That's why I keep blogging.