Thursday, July 13, 2006

Radicals In America

They are trying to enforce their hate filled agenda on us all, says Felicia Benamon:

America was NOT meant to be overpowered by one group of people. And it seems the freedoms of Americans are under attack from so many forces within our country. The ACLU has been active to make sure of that. One cannot give God the praise He is due in public without someone becoming offended and the ACLU stepping in. The Mount Soledad cross in San Diego is one of many religious symbols that have been threatened by the ACLU. 75% of San Diegans voted for the Federal Government to step in and save the cross and to classify it as a war memorial. But comments regarding the vote from ACLU attorney James McElroy say it all:
"It still doesn't mean a damn thing"..."Voters should have never voted on it. It's a waste of taxpayers' money," said McElroy.

It's not a waste of taxpayer money when clearly the will of the people has been spoken! And the people have declared that they want the cross to stay!

These days, it seems the Minority rules.