Friday, July 07, 2006

Soldiers on Trial

When an Israeli soldier is in trouble, the entire Army mobilizes to help. When an American is in peril, he gets tried and convicted by his peers and the media:

America's two top officials in Iraq on Thursday sought to calm Iraqi anger over allegations that U.S. Soldiers were involved in the rape-murder of a girl, promising an open investigation and calling such acts "absolutely inexcusable and unacceptable."
The rare joint statement from U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and Gen. George W. Casey, the senior U.S. commander in Iraq, came as military officers investigated the apparent failures of leadership to keep a close watch on American troops.
Several groups of Soldiers and Marines are under investigation for alleged slayings of unarmed civilians, and three U.S. Soldiers were killed by insurgents last month after they apparently were left alone despite procedures designed to prevent that.

"Guilty before being proved innocent" is the new motto.