Monday, July 10, 2006

Solving Our Prisoner Problem

Ralph Peters thinks he has the answer, and I tend to agree:

Violent Islamist extremists must be killed on the battlefield. Only in the rarest cases should they be taken prisoner. Few have serious intelligence value. And, once captured, there's no way to dispose of them.
Killing terrorists during a conflict isn't barbaric or immoral - or even illegal. We've imposed rules upon ourselves that have no historical or judicial precedent. We haven't been stymied by others, but by ourselves...Traditionally, those who masquerade as civilians in order to kill legal combatants have been executed promptly, without trial. Severity, not sloppy leftist pandering, kept warfare within some decent bounds at least part of the time. But we have reached a point at which the rules apply only to us, while our enemies are permitted unrestricted freedom.

Wouldn't be surprised if this resolution hadn't been quietly going on already. This is better than giving them to our too liberal civilian courts, who will doubtless set them free to kill again and again.