Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Torched School Gets Second Chance

From CentCom, an Afghan school gets a new lease on life, thanks to some concerned Americans:

BAGRAM, Afghanistan – On an evening forever etched into the minds of the citizens of Nyazi Geranshakh, Parwan Province , arsonists savagely burnt down eight of 10 tents that comprised the local school.
Now, thanks to an organization called People-to-People, the government of Afghanistan and the Bagram Provincial Reconstruction Team, those same Afghans can sleep better knowing that their children once again have an epicenter of learning.

Soldiers and airmen from the Bagram PRT traveled to the site of the school on July 19, equipped with replacement tents as well as backpacks and other supplies to better the lives of the people of Afghanistan .

“This is a really great mission,” said First Lt. William Warner, the security forces detachment commander and a native of Glastonberry , Conn. “Anything we can do to help build for that next generation.”

Warner was one of many service-members who passed out the supplies donated via United States citizens through People-to-People, an organization associated with actor Gary Sinise and author Laura Hillenbrand.