Monday, August 21, 2006

Jimmy's Legacy

John Burtis places blame for last week's Court decision on terrorist surveillance, on Jimmy Carter, as well he should!

Somewhere in Detroit a dimwitted federal judge appointed by the late, lamentable and toothy Jimmy Carter, who made militant Islam what it is today by his feckless and toothless response to the capture of our hostages in Tehran back in 1979, ruled that the highly successful NSA program is unconstitutional...President Carter - who directed the ill fated rescue attempt at Desert One, which cost so many lives, which was planned so abysmally and so poorly, and was such a propaganda windfall for the Ayatollah, which demonstrated the utter lack of US power to the world, the lack of dust filters, the need for landing near a highway and for the capture of a busload of people on hegira, all told a massive foul up of the first degree - is still telling us what to do in the East. Mr. Carter's mistakes are legend, his lack of leadership is noteworthy, his failures countless, and for all of this he is still rewarded by a political party noted for full retreat and sham victories on the field of honor.

I thought we heard the last of Mr. Peanut in 1980.Sadly, was I wrong!