Thursday, August 03, 2006


Navy Names Two New Combat Logistics Force Ships. Called T-AKE!

Senate Balks at Conventional Trident. Worried that China and Russia would take it personally.

Japan May Stay in Indian Ocean. Winning the GWOT with a little help from Friends!

Fire Scout By Land and By Sea. The "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle has had a colorful history."

Successful Multinational RIMPAC 2006 Exercise Concludes.

Final Carrier Flight for Tomcat. The end of an era in naval aviation.

Senate Threatens U.S. Navy’s LCS Plans. The Military Industrial Complex strikes back!

Doubts About F-22 Persist. Couldn't be the cost, could it?

Is China A Military Threat To The United States? William Lind doesn't think so.

Infantrymen Pierce the Fog of War. The ultimate anti-insurgent weapon!