Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Patriotism Rampant

Robert Cox says Loe Lieberman may be on to something:

I took my kids to the Shamu Show at SeaWorld San Diego, first stop on the 2006 Cox Family West Coast Summer Vacation Tour...The show announcer then asked all those currently serving in the military to stand up. Hundreds of military families were in SeaWorld that day and during the 2 p.m. show, roughly 100 men and women, out of a crowd of more than 3,000, rose to their feet. The announcer then asked the crowd to show their appreciation and a long, loud and heartfelt applause followed...

We watched from the pier above as the anti-war protestors, armed with clipboards approached beachgoers requesting their signature for what purpose I can only guess. Time and again, couples walking arm and arm, parents with families in tow and individuals strolling toward the surf, ignored them or waved them away. In the time we watched, we did not see a single person sign on to their cause.

This is good to know in times like these.