Tuesday, September 12, 2006

ABC Defies Democrat Censors

All honor and praise to ABC for defying the status quo with the broadcast of the mini-series The Path to 9/11. Despite threats from a former president, Democrats in Congress, and the Left-wing blogoshpere, the network had the courage to stand for free speech in a politically correct medium. Thanks as well to Democrats for showing their true colors in an election year. Often accusing Bush and Republicans for stifling free speech, with their bizarre attack on this movie it is the Left who have overplayed their hand by attacking dissent.

According to critics of The Path to 9/11, the basic premise was President Clinton asleep at the wheel to the terrorist threat during most of his administration. This may be true, but if he was distracted, it was not just by Monica Lewinsky, as the film implies, but also war-torn Yugoslavia, North Korea, Israel-Palestine, and especially SADDAM HUSSEIN. Amnesiacrats often forget they too once considered the Iraqi leader a menace to world peace, so much as to launch a cruise missile strike in 1993, and a major four-day bombing campaign in 1998.

Bill Clinton might be justified in complaining about the film if it portrayed him in an untruthful light. However, the disproportionate response by Democrats demanding changes by ABC bordered on attacking free speech. Sen. Harry Reid literally threatened the TV Network’s broadcast license, a strange move by a Party so obsessed with individual rights. The Clinton’s attack on a US corporation violated free speech and needs to be investigated by the Attorney General in my view.