Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Democrats and Terrorists Agree!

This article from the Washington Post reveals former Iranian President and terrorist supporter using Democratic talking points. First the President:

On the eve of his first trip to Washington, former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami warned that U.S. military action in the Middle East has backfired, producing greater terrorism, imperiling the future of Iraq and damaging America's long-term interests.

And the from the Democrats:

Democrats sought to cast the increasingly unpopular war in Iraq as a disastrous diversion from the war on terrorism and said other threats, from North Korea to Iran, have grown more dangerous under Bush and the Republican-led Congress.

Its plain to see what kind of allies the Dems say Bush alienated at the start of the war in Iraq, and who they would reach out to.

Plus, Blogs for Bush says "the Democrats have been helping Al Qaeda in their propaganda."