Thursday, September 14, 2006

Democrats in the Twilight Zone

All the while "playing politics", according to the witty pen of John Burtis:

Every Republican in Congress and every speech given by President Bush must be interrupted with the surety of a referee tossing a flag after a late hit or for roughing the passer -- "You're playing politics" - as if politics can be somehow removed from the very halls of a Congress once ruled the same Democratic horde, whose similarities to Ghengis Khan resemble those Mr. John Kerry once so painfully and artfully ascribed to our military before this same insipid multitude's brilliant ancestors.
No, the Democrats, who are never known to play at politics in their continual, crass, and malodorous verbal and written attacks against Mr. Bush, the Republicans, America, honest people, the few remaining tax payers, the law abiding, debt-free, pay as you go Christian folk, are Simon pure in this regard. And being so, are always ready to cast a ready, "You're playing politics" at anyone showing the slightest bit of support for Mr. Bush, the war against the purveyors of Islamist terror, and the like.

As John says, how can you not play politics in Washington!