Friday, September 08, 2006

Dems Disproportionate Response to 9/11 Film

Austin Bay discusses Sen. Harry Reid's recent letter to ABC/Disney:

Where are “the usual voices” screaming about free speech and protection of civil rights?
The Hollywood docudrama shoe is usually stuck on a Republican foot, with Oilver Stone or Michael Moore or PBS or CBS (or you-name-it) producing a flick that paints conservatives in a terrible light. Republican and conservative complaints are dsimissed as crabbed kvetching...Clinton Administration exes have devoted a lot of time and effort to masking or deflecting their own culpability(with 9/11). Their media pals have helped them promote their “political narrative.” This movie, however, appears to be a challenge to that narrative.

Read the letter. Democrats are threatening to pull ABC's license over an admittedly fictionalized film. If this isn't an attack on our freedoms, I don't know what is. I hope the network sticks to its guns and dare the Democrats to try, but it probably won't happen.

This Site provides links to contact ABC, or go here.