Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The "Religion of Peace" Strikes Back

John Burtis has mobilized the English language against Muslim hypocrisy in his new article:

...pity poor Sister Leonella Sgorbati, a 38-year-veteran of East Africa's most poverty stricken areas, who had served in Somalia for the past five, bringing her good deeds to the world's poorest. She ran afoul of the great Muslim outpouring of grief and shock over the Pope's speech and caught a quick four bullets or so in the back for being a woman of the same cloth, who worships the same God as Benedict.
But such is modern Islam. The slightest hint of an insult results in a plethora of fatwas calling for outright murder and, of course, the follow on death of as many innocents as can be piled up for the photo-shop enhanced photos streaming from the stringers paid by the AP, Reuters, and, of course, the New York Times.
And not to be out done, the news networks, led by that crenellated Katie Couric, will discuss the unpleasantries associated with those of us who dare disturb the religion of peace...

Such is our world today: Evil is good and the truth is taboo.