Thursday, November 16, 2006

Despair is Not a Strategy

So says Gen. Abizaid, head of CentCom and the Iraqi Operation, to Hillary Cilinton:

"With regard to hope not being a method, Senator, I agree with you, and I would also say that despair is not a method," he said. "When I come to Washington, I feel despair. When I'm in Iraq with my commanders, when I talk to our soldiers, when I talk to the Iraqi leadership, they are not despairing."Clinton asked Abizaid about dividing Iraq into three regions, an idea her staff says she wasn't endorsing. Abizaid said the plan was "not viable."He said temporary troop increases might be needed to back up Iraqi security forces. But he wouldn't go along with McCain's suggestion of even bigger U.S. deployments.

So, do we have enough troops to finish the job, queries Sen. John McCain?

Abizaid replied, "We have sufficient troop strength."

Abizaid is a real leader, and I once compared him to one of the Great Captains in US military history. The comparison stands.