Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's All About Iraq

These days, it appears as if America is surrounded by enemies. A host of nations, including China, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela has arisen since 9/11 to challenge us on the world’s stage. Besides these, there is the continued menace of Al Qaeda which almost daily issues threats to destroy our way of life.

With so many foes to contend with, it may be easy (were it not for the daily death count from the Media) to take our eyes off the current struggle in Iraq. This would be a tragic blunder since it is here we will win the grudging fear and respect of all these others.

Those who seek an immediate withdrawal from Iraq fail to grasp the terrible truth. Their stubborn mindset that war is never the answer is a bias that is not supported by history. Our own freedom loving democracy, born out of conflict with Great Britain, and established after appalling causalities in the Civil War, is proof enough that a noble cause is worth any sacrifice.

Were the Middle East to be abandoned to the likes of Osama Bin Laden, all that would stand between the terrorists and us is the Home Front. An isolationist dread to fight Terror overseas would no doubt doom Europe to its fate. There, fence straddling Muslim immigrants are torn between supporting the Jihadists and doubtful of democracy’s future. They may see a Western retreat from Iraq as an opportunity to replace the Christian population with their own backward ideology.

Without a friend left in any nation, and beset by a new Islamic imperialism in the east and an emboldened communist threat from China, what will be America’s fate? God only knows.