Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Sailor Responds

On John Kerry's latest gaffe toward the military. From Hugh Hewitt's blog:

While John Kerry makes his stupid and hateful remarks, graduates of West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy, people who Senator Kerry saw fit to nominate to attend these elite undergraduate institutions, act as mayors, and counselors to freedom loving Afghanis and Iraqis. They are helping to install liberal constitutional governments in a place where a few short years ago there was complete Stalinist theocratic despotism and another that suffered hopelessly under an egomaniacal tyrant bent on destroying Israel and the greater middle east. They come from not only the service academies but from Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Tufts and Columbia. Their sailors, airmen, soldiers and marines are the most educated, most technologically savvy and culturally aware force EVER assembled on the face of the earth. These men and women are far superior in intellect and decency to Senator Kerry and his ilk in the nutroots that has hijacked a once great political party.

Amen and God bless you sir!