Friday, January 12, 2007

Admiral Fallon and CENTCOM

Here is an interesting perspective why Navy Admiral William J. Fallon, current commander of Pacific Command (PACOM), is suddenly in charge of CentCom, from the American Thinker. (Hint-Its not about Iran):

...the real reason for hi selection as I see it is much simpler: PACOM has been showing steady progress towards victory in the War on Terror, while CENTCOM has not...

Acting without the restraints imposed by nominal allies, Admiral Fallon and PACOM have been
closing the gate on Iran from the east **. India's strategic partnership with the US should be recognized as PACOM's singular achievement to date in the War on Terror. By the use of solid statesmanship, military exchanges and defense cooperation, the US has taken away the largest potential market for Persia's vast energy resources. Not only that, but a sea change of geo-political alignments has taken place that will be effective in countering any new alliances composed of both old and new enemies with access to Central Asia and the Pacific Rim...

In short, Admiral Fallon has been masterful in executing both our long-range strategic goals and in conducting the close fight by rolling up terror groups in the Pacific.

In other word, after 6 years of fighting the War on Terror almost single handily, the Army leadership is out of favor and the Navy is back in.