Friday, March 16, 2007

Al Qaeda losing the "Hearts and Minds"

This is reported by Bill Roggio, concerning the Battle of Diyala:

The up tick in violence in Diyala is also reflected by al Qaeda in Iraq's attempt to establish its rump Islamic State of Iraq, and the resistance from some local Sunni and Shia tribes. Recently, al Qaeda in Iraq torched the homes of Sunni and Shia tribesmen in Muqdadiya who oppose them. Al Qaeda also kidnapped and subsequently murdered 14 Iraqi police who were traveling on leave from Baquba. The murders were videotaped. "Their throats had been cut and their hands were bound," said the mayor of the nearby town of Khalis.

Al Qaeda's activities in Diyala are causing the local tribes to organize resistance against the terrorists. Last week, Al Sabaah reported the local sheikhs in Diyala are organizing against al-Qaeda and its Islamic State in Iraq, "which [is] spreading corruption in the province districts." Tribal leaders in Diyala are beginning to form up along the lines of the Anbar Salvation Council in Anbar province.

But I thought the US "occupiers" were fueling the insurgency? If this report is true, we must now doubt everything the MSM has told us concerning the war, that the West is fighting a losing battle.