Monday, March 12, 2007

Fallout from Spain's Cut-n-Run

As the terrorists from the Madrid bombing go to trial. Story from the LA Times

The government had hoped the trial of 29 people accused in continental Europe's deadliest terrorist attack would console Spaniards by showing them that the culprits had been brought to justice. Instead, it has served as a reminder of how great the risks remain for a country that is still healing. Three years after bombs ripped through four Madrid trains, killing 191 people and injuring nearly 2,000, Spanish officials and experts say the country is potentially in more danger now than ever before as extremist groups reorganize just beyond Spain's southern coast...

We are seeing the Al Qaeda-ization of the Maghreb militants, and that is the evolution that most worries us," a senior counter-terrorism official in the Spanish Interior Ministry said in an interview.

The pre-Election Madrid bombings which hustled in a new Socialist Government, and Spain's withdrawing from the Iraq Coalition, is a clear case of appeasement in the face of terror. Its proof positive why we can't cave in to Al Qaeda in Iraq.