Saturday, March 10, 2007

France's New President?

One would hope so, after reading Nidra Poller on Nicolas Sarkozy:

Sarkozy is the closest to a neoconservative, free market libertarian, pro-American, pro-Zionist, unapologetic nationalist, pro-globalization candidate who could make it onto the ballot in France...Only this summer he defended Israel’s right to vigorous self-defense against Hizbullah, and criticized the arrogance of France’s UN campaign against the American initiative in Iraq in 2003.

And on the Domestic Front:

Sarkozy has made his domestic policy perfectly clear: firm action against offenders, generous encouragement for the willing and able. He wants to liberate the economy from decades of government meddling, encourage competition, reward merit and effort, make streets and schools safe, raise the shades and let the sun shine in, open the windows and give France a breath of fresh air.
This, I think, is the key to his popularity.

Also Neo-Neocon asks were Sarkozy and Giuliani: separated at birth?