Friday, April 27, 2007

Al-Qaeda Wants U.S. War With Iran

This is a no brainer, from NewsMax:

Al Qaeda terrorists are attempting to provoke a war between
the United States and Iran in the hopes that they will "take each other out," a
Middle East analyst said Thursday. "The al Qaeda organization sees Iran as one
of its great enemies," Bruce Reidel, a senior fellow with the Saban Center for
Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, said during a conference call

"Al Qaeda would especially like a full-scale U.S. invasion and
occupation of Iran, which would presumably oust the Shi'ite regime in Tehran,
further antagonize Muslims worldwide and expand al Qaeda's battlefield against
the United States," Reidel argued.

So would many hysterical bloggers on the Left. Here is where I give Bush and Blair credit fro resisting an expanded Middle East War. Establish Iraq as a viable and secure democracy first and the rest of region will eventually fall into line. We've already reported on numerous occasion here, that the current Iranian regime is faltering. We in the West just have to wait them out.