Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus and Double Standards

So, Imus has apologized (and apologized, and apologized) for his racially offensive remarks, and rightly so. I wonder now if the Duke Lacrosse team will get an apology from the stripper who falsely accused them, or from the prosecutor who tormented them on so little evidence, or Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson who proclaimed then guilty before they even came to trial? I rather doubt it.

At worse, the ladies in the Rutgers basketball team have endured hurt feelings and a lowered self esteem. At most, the Duke players could have faced a lengthy prison sentence. Though thankfully they now appear justified before the world, I wonder if there are those who believe them guilty, as the accuser still apparently does? Almost no one agreed with the angry meanderings of the shock-jock and political pundit Imus, yet, the Team is now appearing on Ophra as if they must defend themselves from his outlandish statements. These ladies are already heroes, by proof of their seeking a good education and efforts as role models on the basketball courts. Yet, thanks to the race-baiters they will always be perceived as victims.

It begs the question: which is worse? The minority opinions of a few disgruntled dinosaurs like Imus, or our own views on race, that we must constantly defend ourselves from hateful words to the point of stifling and destroying free speech?