Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Iraq Distraction

To an extent, I agree with the Left’s claim that Iraq is a distraction in the War on Terror, in that it is distracting the terrorists from attacking us here at home. A mere 1% of our population in the military put their lives on the line daily and suffer separation from their homes and love ones, so that the other 99% of Americans can go to the Mall.

The troops have been so good at keeping the enemy occupied, with no successful enemy attack on the nation since 9/11, many politicians and reporters feel free to demean their sacrifice, and criticize our President. The Patriot Act, plus the Terrorist Surveillance Program comes under constant attack by the Left as a threat to Civil Liberties. Yet, neither has prevented the Media from bias and often made-up reporting from the frontlines. Nor has the minor post-9/11 initiatives stopped Democrats from inventing their own alternative foreign policy and visiting terrorist-supporting regimes overseas.

Iraq has previously been compared to the epic Battle of Guadalcanal in World War 2. The tiny South Pacific isle was America’s first offensive in the Pacific Conflict, and despite being nowhere near Japan, is considered an essential first step in the long road to victory over the fascists.

Likewise has Iraq become an important focal point for defeating Islamic Fascism. Both President Bush and his primary antagonist, Al Qaeda head Osama Bin Laden have declared the struggle a Central Front in the Terror War. Often described as a “flytrap” for the terrorists, jihadist recruits continue to pour into the war zone from far-off Indonesia, Africa, and nearby countries where they are drawn to their ultimate destruction.