Schools Trained to Fight Back
This should be a required course across the US! From ABC News:The Independent School District of Burleson, Texas, just south
of Ft. Worth is the first in the country to adopt a policy of training students
to immediately fight back and use their advantage in numbers to take tactical
control if a gunman enters their classroom.
A group of Texas security experts with a company called
"Response Options" has made instructional video tapes showing a gunman bursting
into a classroom and being swarmed by students. The instructors tell students to
throw their books, book bags, desk and chairs using everything and anything to
disrupt and take down a gunman. Robin Browne, a major with the British Army,
helped design the training course and says it is necessary for students and
teachers to throw themselves into the line of fire.
"This is not a burglar.
This is not a bank robber," Browne said. "This is someone who has come onto
school property with the express intention of using a deadly weapon to hurt and
dominate people who cannot necessarily defend themselves." A person who enters a
school, Browne said, "is in the same category as serial killers."
Desperate times call for desperate measures. We should have learned this post-9/11, but we are still trying to live in the past.