Sunnis Split from Al Qaeda
This is reported by Bill Roggio:
The Sunni civil war in Iraq continues to gather steam. The Islamic Army in Iraq,
the largest Sunni insurgent group which has previously operated closely with al
Qaeda in Iraq, has severed ties
with the terror group after several months of infighting, Al Jazeera
reported today. Ibrahim al-Shammari, an Islamic Army in Iraq spokesman, "told Al
Jazeera on Thursday that the Islamic Army in Iraq had decided to disunite from
al-Qaeda in Iraq after its members were threatened."
"In the beginning, we
were dealing with Tawhid and Jihad organisation, which turned into al-Qaeda in
Iraq," Al-Shammari explained. Specifically after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi died, the
gap between us [and al-Qaeda] widened, because [they] started to target our
members... They killed about 30 of our people, and we definitely don't recognise
their establishment of an Islamic state - we consider it invalid."
There's an Al Qaeda in Iraq? I thought this was all made up as an excuse for Bush to occupy the Middle East!