Thursday, April 19, 2007

US Wounded Rate Down Sharply

That's the headline at

As of Wednesday, 24,764 U.S. soldiers had been injured in Iraq since the start
of military operations to topple Saddam. Some 254 U.S. soldiers were injured
during the 28 period from March 22 to April 18 at an average rate of just over
nine per day. This marked a dramatic improvement on the previous 22-day period
from Feb. 28 to March 21, when the wounded-per-day rate peaked to almost 23.2
per day. The new rate has therefore dropped by more than 60 percent on the Feb.
28-March 21 period.
That is one of the most striking improvements we have
noted in the almost two years since these columns began. It is especially
notable as it occurred during a period of time when up to 30,000 additional U.S.
troops were being sent to Iraq as part of President George W. Bush's new "surge"

Could be because all the terrorist have headed for the hills, out of Baghdad, or could be they are running out of martyrs for their dark ideology.