Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Al Qaeda Foiled Again

Mercifully, Osama Bin Laden's Keystone Terrorists can't catch a break. From Jules Crittenden:

NJ jihadis planned to kill as many soldiers as possible in attack
on Dix. They don’t sound like very smart jihadis, though. Getting
their jihadi training vid copied commercially. I kind of doubt they
planned to be much smarter about acquiring their AQs.
It’s the
smart jihadis I’m more worried about. Not bozos like these. You’d almost
think these were the ones they wanted us to catch.

Pajamas Media has reaction from the blogosphere. What's say amazing is the fact that even with the Patriot Act consistently weakened by Congress, it is still protecting us.

Update-The Tank reports "business as usual at Fort Dix". This isn't arrogance or overconfidence, but professionalism and government policies applied immediately after 9/11.